adnan's kitchen


  •  1 kg large eggplant
  •  1/4 cup Tahini
  •  1 Lemon
  •  1-2 Seville (bitter) Oranges, if available.
  •  1-2  Cloves of Garlic
  •  1-2 tbs. spoonfuls of Yogurt
  •  Salt

About Baba Ghannouj
Baba ghanoush is a Levantine dish of eggplant (aubergine) mashed and mixed with virgin olive oil and various seasonings. The Arabic term means "father of coquetry", which has been interpreted to suggest that it was invented by a member of a harem, although "ghanoush" may be a personal name.


Adnan's Kitchen
Baba Ghannouj (Mutabbal)



  1. Roast eggplants on open fire till soft.
  2. Place in plastic bag ( to perspire and peel easier) and wait till cool then peel & chop into fine pieces.
  3. Mix juice of one Lemon and / or 2 bitter oranges, if available, otherwise the juice of another lemon.
  4. Dissolve the tahini in the lemon and / or bitter orange juice and work it till a creamy texture is attained.
  5. Add 1-2 tbs. spoonfuls of Yogurt and pour on the chopped eggplant.
  6. Crush 1-2 cloves (to taste) of garlic  and some salt.
  7. Mix well and serve in a plate.
  8. Sprinkle some red hot peppers and some olive oil.